

Timothy Ramirez

想知道如何处理您今年在花园里种的西葫芦吗? 如果您喜欢甜食,那么浓郁的巧克力西葫芦布朗尼显然是您的最佳选择!这道简单的巧克力西葫芦布朗尼食谱制作起来非常快,一定会让家里的每个人都爱不释手!

这些不含麸质的巧克力西葫芦布朗尼制作起来很快,而且与其他布朗尼食谱相比相对健康。 我的意思是,里面有蔬菜,所以一定很健康,对吗?




如果您在菜园里种的西葫芦个头较大,那么里面就会有籽。 不用担心,您仍然可以用它来制作这款巧克力西葫芦布朗尼蛋糕。 只要确保只使用西葫芦的外部部分,而丢弃有籽的内核即可。

总时间 - 20 分钟

产量 - 24 块巧克力布朗尼方块



  • 勺子(用于搅拌)
  • 3 汤匙亚麻籽粉
  • 1/2 杯 + 2 汤匙植物油
  • 3/4 杯可可粉
  • 1 杯椰子粉
  • 1/2 茶匙盐
  • 1/2 茶匙小苏打
  • 3/4 杯 + 2 汤匙红糖
  • 1/2 杯切碎的黑巧克力巧克力片(可选)


第 1 步: 预热烤箱,准备烤盘。 将烤箱预热至 350 华氏度,在 9×13 的玻璃烤盘中铺上羊皮纸。

如果省略了这一步,布朗尼会变得很松软,很容易粘在盘子边上。 不要省略这一步!

步骤 2:将湿配料混合在一起 用细奶酪刨丝器将西葫芦直接切成丝,放入立式搅拌机中。

然后,在西葫芦中加入希腊酸奶、水、香草、亚麻籽粉和植物油。 搅拌均匀后静置 5-10 分钟。



步骤 3:分别混合干配料 在另一个搅拌碗中,加入可可粉、椰子粉、盐、小苏打、红糖和黑巧克力巧克力片。 充分搅拌!


See_also: 如何制作葡萄果冻(食谱及说明)


步骤 4:将干湿配料混合在一起。 静置 5-10 分钟后,将液体混合物倒入可可混合物中,搅拌至完全混合。



步骤 5:将面糊涂抹到烤盘中。 将粘稠的面糊倒入烤盘中,放在羊皮纸上。

这将是一个巨大的巧克力球--你需要用勺子或刮刀帮助它在平底锅中铺展开来。 用力向下按压,直到布朗尼面糊均匀地覆盖平底锅(这里可以用更多的羊皮纸来帮助按压面糊)。

这些布朗尼蛋糕会有点松脆,所以压缩它们有助于把它们固定在一起。 另外,把它压扁也很有趣!


步骤 6:烘烤布朗尼蛋糕 烤 19-20 分钟后取出,闻到巧克力的香味了吗?

步骤 7:将布朗尼拍实 定时器关闭后,不要用牙签检测布朗尼蛋糕是否熟透!



步骤 8:让它们冷却 让巧克力西葫芦布朗尼冷却,这是最困难的部分。

你的眼睛能看到巧克力蛋糕,鼻子能闻到蛋糕的香味,但你的味蕾还在等待。 抱歉,伙计们!

步骤 9:用塑料刀切巧克力蛋糕 用塑料刀切成 24 个小方块(这样就不会碎了)。 如果你想贪吃一点(这也是可以理解的),可以切成 12 个小方块,这样分量会更多。

第 10 步:将布朗尼蛋糕放入冰箱冷藏,风味更佳。 现在,你可以在这个阶段吃你的巧克力西葫芦布朗尼蛋糕了。


See_also: 如何制作辣椒罐头

把它们放进冰箱至少几个小时,最好是过夜。 或者,现在吃一个,过一会儿再吃一个。 这里不做评判。


我给我的奶油蛋糕添加了简单的奶油:1 块软化黄油、1/2 大匙香草、1.5 杯糖粉、2 大匙浓奶油。


这些美味的巧克力西葫芦布朗尼太好吃了,让人忍不住想把一整盘都吃完。 我非常喜欢用西葫芦把不健康的东西变得稍微健康一些。 另外,这也是利用花园里多余的西葫芦的好方法!




      Timothy Ramirez

      Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener, horticulturalist, and the talented author behind the widely popular blog, Get Busy Gardening - DIY Gardening For The Beginner. With over a decade of experience in the field, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge to become a trusted voice in the gardening community.Growing up on a farm, Jeremy developed a deep appreciation for nature and a fascination for plants from an early age. This fostered a passion that eventually led him to pursue a degree in Horticulture from a prestigious university. Throughout his academic journey, Jeremy gained a solid understanding of various gardening techniques, principles of plant care, and sustainable practices that he now shares with his readers.After completing his education, Jeremy embarked on a fulfilling career as a professional horticulturist, working in renowned botanical gardens and landscaping companies. This hands-on experience exposed him to a diverse array of plants and gardening challenges, which further enriched his understanding of the craft.Motivated by his desire to demystify gardening and make it accessible to beginners, Jeremy created Get Busy Gardening. The blog serves as a comprehensive resource brimming with practical advice, step-by-step guides, and invaluable tips for those starting on their gardening journey. Jeremy's writing style is highly engaging and relatable, making complexconcepts easy to grasp even for those without any prior experience.With his friendly demeanor and genuine passion for sharing his knowledge, Jeremy has built a loyal following of gardening enthusiasts who trust his expertise. Through his blog, he has inspired countless individuals to reconnect with nature, cultivate their own green spaces, and experience the joy and fulfillment that gardening brings.When he is not tending to his own garden or writing captivating blog posts, Jeremy can often be found leading workshops and speaking at gardening conferences, where he imparts his wisdom and interacts with fellow plant lovers. Whether he's teaching beginners how to sow their first seeds or advising experienced gardeners on advanced techniques, Jeremy's dedication to educating and empowering the gardening community shines through every aspect of his work.