

Timothy Ramirez

如果您想享受自己的劳动成果,保护葡萄是非常必要的。 在本篇文章中,我将为您提供大量关于如何保护葡萄免受鸟类和虫子危害的小贴士,防止这些害虫破坏您的收成。



鸟类对葡萄来说是个大问题,它们会迅速毁掉你的作物。 不仅如此,还有几种不同的昆虫也会吃葡萄藤的叶子和果实。








值得庆幸的是,在葡萄开始成熟之前,鸟类通常不会被葡萄吸引。 因此,您只需在夏末的几个星期里担心如何与鸟类作斗争。

即便如此,鸟儿也会在短短几个小时内吃掉你的全部庄稼,所以这肯定是一场艰苦的战斗。 以下是一些可以尝试的保护措施...

  • 装袋 - 葡萄一开始成熟就装袋。 最好用网袋或欧根纱袋,这样空气流通,也便于观察葡萄成熟的时间。 不过,也可以用纸质午餐袋,或用薄纱将葡萄包起来。 只需将袋子套在葡萄串上,然后在顶部打结或用订书机订好即可。 不要用塑料袋,否则葡萄可能会发霉或腐烂。
  • 葡萄藤封面 - 轻便的葡萄藤套可以防止虫子爬到叶子上,还可以保护葡萄串不被鸟类或昆虫吃掉。 我用薄纱织物做葡萄藤套。 它很轻便,可以让空气、水和阳光到达植物。
  • 防鸟网 - 普通的防鸟网可以把它们挡在外面,而且在葡萄开始成熟前都不需要张网。 另外,这种网价格便宜,很容易买到。 使用开口较小的网兜(1/2 英寸最好)。 收获时将网兜取下,以免被葡萄藤的卷须缠住。
  • 惊吓胶带 - 如果您去过葡萄园,您可能会注意到用来保护葡萄的惊鸟胶带(也叫闪光胶带)。 只要把它挂在葡萄藤附近,当它随风飘动时,噪音和反光就会把鸟儿吓跑。
  • 驱鸟喷雾 - 您还可以尝试另一种简单的方法,即喷洒驱蚊剂。 虽然它本身的效果可能不是很好,但它可以很好地帮助补充您的其他努力。 请记住,您需要定期重新喷洒,尤其是在大雨过后。
  • 风铃 - 我的凉棚中央有一个可爱的小风铃,它不仅像吊灯一样垂下来很好看,它发出的声音还能吓唬鸟儿,让它们远离我的葡萄。



上述方法可以有效地防止鸟类进入,但却无法保护葡萄叶免受昆虫的侵害。 日本甲虫和葡萄甲虫等昆虫会在叶片上大快朵颐,并很快使叶片骨架化。

See_also: 为什么我的流浪犹太人身上有棕色的叶子和印记;如何解决?

幸运的是,这种损害通常只是外观上的,这些害虫很少会杀死植物。 不过,破烂的叶子看起来还是很可怕。

为了将伤害降到最低,你可以用布料盖住整个葡萄藤。 我用薄纱盖住我们的葡萄藤,这样虫子就穿不过去了。

相关职位: 如何在家庭花园为葡萄搭棚


我收到过很多新园丁关于如何覆盖葡萄藤的问题。 这似乎是一项不可能完成的任务,尤其是对于大型葡萄藤。

老实说,如果你的植物很大或很高,那么覆盖它们可能不是一个实际的解决方案。 但是,这并不总是那么困难,也不需要花费太多时间。


See_also: 保存雕刻南瓜--还有 7 个让南瓜更持久的小窍门


葡萄不能从葡萄藤上摘下,必须一直摘到完全成熟。 问题是,一旦葡萄开始成熟,就会招来更多的害虫。


相关职位: 如何制作葡萄果冻(食谱及说明)


我们的葡萄长在一个高高的凉棚上,所以用网或织物遮盖葡萄藤就更有难度了。 下面是我用薄纱遮盖葡萄藤的步骤。


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Timothy Ramirez

Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener, horticulturalist, and the talented author behind the widely popular blog, Get Busy Gardening - DIY Gardening For The Beginner. With over a decade of experience in the field, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge to become a trusted voice in the gardening community.Growing up on a farm, Jeremy developed a deep appreciation for nature and a fascination for plants from an early age. This fostered a passion that eventually led him to pursue a degree in Horticulture from a prestigious university. Throughout his academic journey, Jeremy gained a solid understanding of various gardening techniques, principles of plant care, and sustainable practices that he now shares with his readers.After completing his education, Jeremy embarked on a fulfilling career as a professional horticulturist, working in renowned botanical gardens and landscaping companies. This hands-on experience exposed him to a diverse array of plants and gardening challenges, which further enriched his understanding of the craft.Motivated by his desire to demystify gardening and make it accessible to beginners, Jeremy created Get Busy Gardening. The blog serves as a comprehensive resource brimming with practical advice, step-by-step guides, and invaluable tips for those starting on their gardening journey. Jeremy's writing style is highly engaging and relatable, making complexconcepts easy to grasp even for those without any prior experience.With his friendly demeanor and genuine passion for sharing his knowledge, Jeremy has built a loyal following of gardening enthusiasts who trust his expertise. Through his blog, he has inspired countless individuals to reconnect with nature, cultivate their own green spaces, and experience the joy and fulfillment that gardening brings.When he is not tending to his own garden or writing captivating blog posts, Jeremy can often be found leading workshops and speaking at gardening conferences, where he imparts his wisdom and interacts with fellow plant lovers. Whether he's teaching beginners how to sow their first seeds or advising experienced gardeners on advanced techniques, Jeremy's dedication to educating and empowering the gardening community shines through every aspect of his work.