

Timothy Ramirez


See_also: 21 种最佳红色花卉(多年生及一年生植物)





学名 苤蓝
分类: 蔬菜
通用名称: 花椰菜
耐寒性 年度
温度 50-70°F (10-21°C)
鲜花 白色、绿色、紫色、橙色、黄色
灯光 全日照到轻度遮阴
湿度 平均
肥料: 高氮颗粒或液体,每季一次
土壤 肥沃、排水良好
常见害虫 菜青虫、菜根蛆、菜青虫、跳甲、蚜虫


花椰菜(Brassica oleracea)是一种一年生蔬菜,属于十字花科(或芸苔科),也包括西兰花、卷心菜和球芽甘蓝。

宽大光滑的绿叶环绕着中央的头状花序或 "凝乳","凝乳 "由紧密成束的小花组成,平均大小约为 6-8 英寸。

凝乳实际上是花茎,我们在它开花前就采摘下来食用。 它们有各种颜色,味道温和、坚果味,略带甜味。 不过,植物的所有部分都可以食用。



花椰菜有许多不同的种类,从传统的白色到橙色、黄色、绿色或紫色。 它们都有相似的味道,需要同样的基本护理。


  • 涂鸦 - 这个深紫色的品种非常适合在气候较温暖的地区秋季种植,大约 70 天就能成熟,味道甜美。


    See_also: 建造垂直花园:初学者 DIY 技巧

    Timothy Ramirez

    Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener, horticulturalist, and the talented author behind the widely popular blog, Get Busy Gardening - DIY Gardening For The Beginner. With over a decade of experience in the field, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge to become a trusted voice in the gardening community.Growing up on a farm, Jeremy developed a deep appreciation for nature and a fascination for plants from an early age. This fostered a passion that eventually led him to pursue a degree in Horticulture from a prestigious university. Throughout his academic journey, Jeremy gained a solid understanding of various gardening techniques, principles of plant care, and sustainable practices that he now shares with his readers.After completing his education, Jeremy embarked on a fulfilling career as a professional horticulturist, working in renowned botanical gardens and landscaping companies. This hands-on experience exposed him to a diverse array of plants and gardening challenges, which further enriched his understanding of the craft.Motivated by his desire to demystify gardening and make it accessible to beginners, Jeremy created Get Busy Gardening. The blog serves as a comprehensive resource brimming with practical advice, step-by-step guides, and invaluable tips for those starting on their gardening journey. Jeremy's writing style is highly engaging and relatable, making complexconcepts easy to grasp even for those without any prior experience.With his friendly demeanor and genuine passion for sharing his knowledge, Jeremy has built a loyal following of gardening enthusiasts who trust his expertise. Through his blog, he has inspired countless individuals to reconnect with nature, cultivate their own green spaces, and experience the joy and fulfillment that gardening brings.When he is not tending to his own garden or writing captivating blog posts, Jeremy can often be found leading workshops and speaking at gardening conferences, where he imparts his wisdom and interacts with fellow plant lovers. Whether he's teaching beginners how to sow their first seeds or advising experienced gardeners on advanced techniques, Jeremy's dedication to educating and empowering the gardening community shines through every aspect of his work.