

Timothy Ramirez

种植辣椒很简单,不需要太多的工作。 无论您把它们放在花盆里还是花园里,辣椒植物的养护都是一样的。 遵循这些简单的辣椒种植技巧,您就能获得最大、最好的收获!


See_also: 如何分株繁殖芦荟

每次我在社交媒体上分享收获的照片时,人们总会问我" 这么大的辣椒是怎么种出来的? ".

多年来,我学到了很多在 Z4 花园中持续生产丰收果实的诀窍。 下面,我将与大家分享我的最佳诀窍。

这本详细的辣椒植物护理指南将为您提供成功种植辣椒所需的全部信息。 您将学到从种植到收获的所有知识。


学名 辣椒
分类: 蔬菜
通用名称: 辣椒
耐寒性 : 10+ 区
温度 60-85°F
鲜花 白色,多次开花
灯光 全日照
湿度 平均
肥料: 高磷肥 春夏季
土壤 肥沃、排水良好
常见害虫 蚜虫、蚧壳虫、粉虱、蜘蛛螨、角虫







你可以找到任何颜色的辣椒,从白色到黄色、橙色、红色、绿色、紫色,甚至几乎是黑色。 有些甚至是杂色的!

它们的口味几乎和颜色一样千差万别,从清淡、甜、微辣或辣,一直到 "我的嘴巴要着火了"(这不是专业术语,哈哈)!



    See_also: 适合小型或大型空间的 13 个 DIY 黄瓜花架创意

    Timothy Ramirez

    Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener, horticulturalist, and the talented author behind the widely popular blog, Get Busy Gardening - DIY Gardening For The Beginner. With over a decade of experience in the field, Jeremy has honed his skills and knowledge to become a trusted voice in the gardening community.Growing up on a farm, Jeremy developed a deep appreciation for nature and a fascination for plants from an early age. This fostered a passion that eventually led him to pursue a degree in Horticulture from a prestigious university. Throughout his academic journey, Jeremy gained a solid understanding of various gardening techniques, principles of plant care, and sustainable practices that he now shares with his readers.After completing his education, Jeremy embarked on a fulfilling career as a professional horticulturist, working in renowned botanical gardens and landscaping companies. This hands-on experience exposed him to a diverse array of plants and gardening challenges, which further enriched his understanding of the craft.Motivated by his desire to demystify gardening and make it accessible to beginners, Jeremy created Get Busy Gardening. The blog serves as a comprehensive resource brimming with practical advice, step-by-step guides, and invaluable tips for those starting on their gardening journey. Jeremy's writing style is highly engaging and relatable, making complexconcepts easy to grasp even for those without any prior experience.With his friendly demeanor and genuine passion for sharing his knowledge, Jeremy has built a loyal following of gardening enthusiasts who trust his expertise. Through his blog, he has inspired countless individuals to reconnect with nature, cultivate their own green spaces, and experience the joy and fulfillment that gardening brings.When he is not tending to his own garden or writing captivating blog posts, Jeremy can often be found leading workshops and speaking at gardening conferences, where he imparts his wisdom and interacts with fellow plant lovers. Whether he's teaching beginners how to sow their first seeds or advising experienced gardeners on advanced techniques, Jeremy's dedication to educating and empowering the gardening community shines through every aspect of his work.